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Getting Started

ARTEMIS is built as a multi-container Docker application. The following instructions will get you a containerized copy of the ARTEMIS tool up and running on your local machine using the docker-compose utility. For instructions on how to set up ARTEMIS in a Kubernetes environment, please check the related docs page.

How to Install and Setup

To download and install the required software packages, please follow steps 1 through 6 described in this docs section.

To setup the tool (as well as https access to it via the web application), please follow steps 1 through 5 described in this docs section.

Note that specifically for testing purposes, we now support vagrant and VirtualBox VM automation; please check out this docs page for simple instructions on how to spin up a fully functioning ARTEMIS VM, running all needed microservices, within a minute.

How to Run and Configure

  1. Start ARTEMIS:

    docker-compose up -d

    Please consult this docs section if you need to activate additional services.

  2. Visit web UI and configure ARTEMIS:


    By visiting the system page:


    you can:

    1. edit the basic configuration file of ARTEMIS that serves as the ground truth for detecting BGP hijacks (consult this docs section first)
    2. control the monitoring, detection and mitigation microservices.
  3. Stop ARTEMIS (optional)

    docker-compose stop

Note: We highly recommend going through the detailed docs instructions before using ARTEMIS for the first time. You can further use several other microservices orthogonal to ARTEMIS (like grafana and routinator) by using the main ARTEMIS docker-compose yaml plus the additional yamls:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.<other_service>.yaml -... <up>/<down>/...


A running demo of ARTEMIS based on the configuration of our home institute (FORTH) can be found here.

You can access the demo as a guest (non-admin) user by using the following credentials:

username: "guest"
password: "guest@artemis"

Please do not request new accounts on the demo portal. Use the given credentials to browse ARTEMIS as a guest user. In case you need admin access, simply clone ARTEMIS locally and use the given configuration file.