
Logging can be configured by editing the following files:

Logs (which are useful for debugging) can be accessed as follows:
docker-compose logs
The "-f" flag will provide you live logs while the tool is running. If you need the logs from a particular running container, e.g., the autostarter, you can also do the following:
docker-compose exec autostarter bash
cd /var/log/artemis
Both containers use Python's logging library and can be configured as such. The tool supports SMTP, SMPTS and SYSLOG handlers for the loggers, which can be defined as follows:
    # artemis_utils.logaux.TLSSMTPHandler for TLS
    # artemis_utils.logaux.SSLSMTPHandler for SSL
    class: artemis_utils.logaux.SSLSMTPHandler
    level: INFO
    formatter: simple
    - smtp.server.com
    - port
    fromaddr: from@email.com
    - to1@email.com
    - to2@email.com
    subject: subject
    - username
    - password
    secure: True
Additionaly, we support Slack logging which can be defined as follows (you can generate the api token at https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens):
    class: slacker_log_handler.SlackerLogHandler
    api_key: SLACK_API_TOKEN
    channel: "#general"
    username: "Hijack Announcer"
    level: INFO

... (then to add it to a logger)

        level: INFO
        handlers: [slack_handler]
        propagate: no
Then, you can attach them to the already defined loggers based on their purpose. For example, backend loggers include:

  • artemis_logger: Output of all (backend) services.
  • mail_logger: Triggered on new hijack events (targeted information to avoid spamming for mail services - only triggered on hijack events). Also activated when a hijack becomes outdated or withdrawn automatically.
  • hijack_logger: Triggered for every hijack update (not only on first trigger). Be careful to avoid being overwhelmed with messages in case you attach a handler to it! Useful for monitoring the progress of a hijack in terms of incoming BGP updates. Also activated when a hijack becomes outdated or withdrawn automatically.
  • taps_logger: Logger for the monitoring services.

Note that you should attach a logger you would like to use. For example, after you configure the smtps log handler in lines 32-50 within local_configs/backend/logging.yaml and optionally adding your custom formatter after line 5, you should add the smtps_handler to the mail_logger handlers.

In general, the logging.yaml files, besides auxiliary information, contain 3 sections that you can adjust according to your logging needs:

  • formatters, which define the format of a log message and are used in handlers
  • handlers, which define how a log message should be handled (e.g., at which level of criticality)
  • loggers, which define which handlers should be used and at which level of criticality

For a useful tutorial on logging using yaml configurations and how to use them in Python, we refer the user to this tutorial.

For further log customization, please check the following env variables here:

HIJACK_LOG_FILTER # for logging hijacks only with a certain community payload
HIJACK_LOG_FIELDS # for selecting which hijack fields to show in the logs